Who Am I?

My name is Kerem Inal. I am a freelance journalist and social listener. My passion is finding online conversations, understanding the online culture and discourse then writing about it.

Why subscribe?

TikTok is an ever-changing platform, that is almost impossible to follow casually. Every Sunday I will be sending you an email of top trends on TikTok with a narrative on how TikTok trends are tied to current events.

The email will be categorized into those weeks’ top trends, and I will also be linking and talking about the top news events of the week.

Who is this for?

You don’t have the time to follow TikTok, but would love to see what’s going on? Want to learn more about the TikTok world?

You have come to the right place. In this newsletter, I will be focusing on how TikTok videos are affected by current events, explaining the context of the trends and adding some fact-checking where ever necessary!

If that sounds interesting to you, please subscribe by clicking the button below!

Hope to see you every Sunday!

Subscribe to TikTok Trends

Weekly TikTok Trends, tied to current events. - Just 'For You'


Freelance Journalist | Social Listening and Fact-checking - Newmark Social J Alum!